Saturday, June 27, 2009

Looking with another set of eyes

Winter on PhotoPeach

Buddy Morning Tea at our place

After the Sacred Heart liturgy last week we had friends round for morning tea.

Buddy Morning Tea in MB3 on PhotoPeach

During the term the class has put together a wall display around the theme of the French lesson. The rest of the posters are in the front foyer of the school!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Skool Stars

On Wednesday during week five our class (MB3) gathered in Grace Hall to be filmed dancing where Mr. Elms, a few parents, and Mrs. Gerlich were assembled with the woman and man that were to film us. While the couple introduced themselves to us, we immediately sat down before a pair of microphones. The skool stars team instructed us to sing our dance song (Don’t Stop Moving). After we had sung the song through a few times the first dancing group (group 1) started to find their places on the stage. Behind a green screen we lined up in single file ready to walk onto the stage and perform our dance. Confidently group 1 started their dance and before you knew it, it was group 2’s turn. I thought that group 1’s moves were very funky but group 2’s moves were also quite impressive. When group 2 had finished, group 3 was called up. Starting in a semi circle, they began their dancing. Our dance was finished! It was so fun and we enjoyed ourselves a lot.


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On Friday afternoons the A and B teams have netball practice for the next day’s game. We play four Quarters, fifth teen minutes in each Quarter. Just before the practice is over our team always play against the A team so we know what it feels like when we come against a hard team we might win against . In the B team grade were 2nd equal and when we lost we only lost by one. In our team we have eight people, Two year eights two year sevens and four year sixes. Michaela plays goal defence and goal keep, Lucy plays center and wing attack, Bridget plays goal shoot and goal attack, Nikita plays wing attack and center, Amy plays goal attack and goal shoot, Sophie plays wing defence and I play goal defence, wing attack, wing defence and goal keep. When Michaela went on holiday our team got easily beaten because we through away the ball too many time when we got an intercept.


Taking the telescope home

On the night I took the telescope home it was so cold. Mum, Dad and I had to dress up in our jackets before we went outside.
The moon was hazy, so too much magnification meant it would be blurry. First we tried 22HM and found it was way too blurry so we tried 15HM and that was just right.
After looking at the moon we tried to find Saturn. We knew what we found was a star because when we put all the magnification on it was just a blue dot.
Finally we found it. We saw dots around it so they must have been its moons. Mum was the most keen to look. I had to position it so that Mum could see it when she looked.
Dad was the one who gave up and went inside first because he was too cold. He made the hot chocolate drink for us. He thought we were frozen ninnies for standing out there for so long on a freezing night.

New look display boards!

One of the parishioners from St Pats has spent some time making frames for the display boards in our corridor. They look so much better now and we are able to put up some neat work from term 1.
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

School Cross Country afternoon

On Thursday afternoon last week the middle and senior school went to the domain to do their cross country. It was really sunny day but it wasn't too hot or cold.
We had to run the circuit in our class groups. Mrs B then chose people to go to the interschool one. It was hard for some of us to run but we felt good about completing it.

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